This is excellent customer service?
Posted by Kristin on Wednesday, October 31, 2012.If it is, I would hate to see's definition of horrible customer service.
In my excitement over participating in Gertie's Butterick Coat Sew-Along, I searched the internet for the perfect wool coating fabric and coordinating lining. I finally settled on a lovely navy wool and a fuschia leaf print crepe de chine for the lining. I was on pins and needles waiting for my fabric to arrive.
And I waited.
And waited.
Then I received the dreaded email...."We're sorry, but we can't figure out how these stupid computer thingies work and our website is totally wrong. We are out of everything you ordered. No matter that the website is still showing loads in stock. We are idiots here and haven't quite figured out how all this stuff works. But nevermind...your two buttons will arrive shortly! Thank you for your business."
Ok, I may have embellished. Anyway, I called to cancel the two measly buttons. No need to send those if my beautiful coat fabrics that I coordinated the buttons with was non-existent. Oh, by the way, at this point the website was still showing enough yardage of each fabric in stock to make at least 10 coats. But what do I know about how a business should operate? I'm just a crafter and teacher....
Guess what arrived a few days later? That's right, two buttons. That I had cancelled. I guess it was that whole computer/internet/run by fools disconnect that fouled my order up to begin with.
I gave their website a few days to correct their current stock. It didn't change. I emailed their customer service department asking what they would do to keep me as a customer. Evidently not much since all I got as a reply was the standard "We love customer service! We will respond within 2 business days!" email. I waited. No response.
I emailed again. This email was a little less friendly. All I wanted was an explanation as to why my lovely fabrics were still in stock when my order was cancelled. Oh, and I may have also asked them to explain how ignoring customers is a good business plan for a retail operation.
It has now been over a month. The lining fabric is still in stock. Still enough to line about 8 coats. And have I gotten a response? Nope. Nothing. Nada. I feel like some groveling is in order at this point.
So I have now blogged about my displeasure. Tweeted to the company my displeasure. I have copied the emails I have sent to the Flickr coat sew-along group. I have left negative reviews on websites. I'm telling as many people as I can...order at your own risk. And heaven forbid you should ever have to contact their invisible customer service department. All I want is an explanation. I'm not asking for free stuff. I'm not asking for discounts. I just want someone to respond. Is it too much to ask? Apparently so.
PS - When I went on a tirade against Comcast, I got a personal email AND phone call from their Vice President. And all I wanted then was a channel line up for my subscription plan.
November 1, 2012 at 5:56 AM
Thank you so much for this, I was thinking about ordering from them. I don't think I will now. I found a few fabrics I liked and was going to make into pillows, but I will keep looking and hopeful find something similar else where :)